Like many artists, I find that I have great difficulty
speaking or writing about myself or my artwork.  This,
however, I can truly say, I absolutely love what I do and
recognize that I am so fortunate to have bestowed
upon me the gift of creativity by our Great Spirit. As an
artist and as a person, I believe it is my responsibility to
accept this creative gift, blend it with my personal and
cultural histories and apply it in a variety of artistic
mediums to create the finest work that I am able.

Born in California, to parents of Native American blood
and New Mexican Hispanic heritage, I am most
fortunate to have been raised in a wonderful household
full of love and encouragement where every mud pot
and stick drawing that I made was beautiful.

As a child and into my late teen years, I found myself
spending time during the school months in California
and Summer months on the reservation at Isleta Pueblo,
New Mexico and at Peralta, New Mexico, a small
Spanish village just south of Isleta.

I am a proud member of Isleta Pueblo, where from my
Mother and my cherished Grandparents, I learned of our
bountiful heritage, customs and beliefs. It is from this
rich history that I find the basis for the themes that I
employ in my work. The reverence for our Great Spirit
and our other Deities, the love and respect for all of
nature and the joys and sorrows of being human are,
often, the most visited subjects found in my art.

Although, I use a wide variety of techniques and
medium in my artwork, my particular specialization
would be "pyroengraving" or burning of an original
design onto the surface of a hand-cleaned, cut
and prepared gourd and/or handcrafted woodwork
piece. I am a self-taught pyroengraver, but my
background in design, aesthetic layout and attention to
detail comes, solely from my Father, who patiently
taught and guided me through years of education in
drafting and, ultimately, architectural design and
construction. Without all of the influences and direction
that I have gained over the years, the gift that I have
received from our Great Spirit would stagnate, so I give
my thanks to all of you that have had such a great and
inspiring effect upon me.